North Khorasan Province

North Khorasan Province is a province located in northeastern Iran. Bojnord is the capital of the province. Most people in North Khorasan are Sunni Muslims, who are often Kurds, Turks, Fars, Turkmens and so on, although there is also a small minority of Shias. The counties of North Khorasan Province are Shirvan County, Esfarayen County, Maneh and Samalqan County, Raz and Jargalan County, Jajarm County, Faruj County, and Garmeh County. North Khorasan is one of the three provinces that were created after the division of Khorasan in 2004. In 2014 it was placed in Region 5.

Greater Khorasan has witnessed the rise and fall of many dynasties and governments in its territory throughout history. Various tribes of Persians, Arabs, Turks, Kurds, Mongols, Turkmens, and Afghans have brought change to the region time and time again.

Ancient geographers of Iran divided Iran into eight segments, of which the most flourishing[citation needed] and largest[citation needed] was the territory of Greater Khorasan. Esfarayen, among other cities of the province, was one of the focal points for settlement by Aryan tribes entering Iran. The Parthian empire was based near Merv in Khorasan for many years. In Parthian times, Esfarayen was one of the important villages of Nishapur.

During the Sassanid dynasty, the province was governed by a Spahbod (Lieutenant General) called "Padgoosban" and four margraves, each commander of one of the four parts of the province.

North Khorasan location in Iran's map
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